Artist Studio - lalverson> Setting/Genre > A Little Kink - Fantasies> Viral Vibrators (preview)

Viral Vibrators (preview)

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On Regina one can advertise publicly just about anything. As their laws assume that if a person is offended they just will switch to something else. So when the house of Lilflame came out with a new line of pleasure equipment they turned to the hottest celebrities that might endorse such a product.

They managed to get Tambra and Scotti Keane. They were hot, young and if they were to endorse the line everyone else that didn’t look as hot, or young would buy as if these two who clearly would never need such tools used them they just had to be good.

The commercial was supposed to be a simple one. Both girls laying seductively along side the equipment with some sexy music in the background, with a voice over with Tambra saying;

“Life is busy sometimes. But that should never mean pleasure get put on hold. With Lilflame

pleasure toys, me and Scotti can always take a few moments to wash away the stress of a busy day. With five distinctive designs all designed with pleasure in mind it’s easy make a hard day easier to get through. Or a nice kick start to the day! Lilflame, the name in personal passions.”

But the day of the shoot came and while the crew was getting ready Tambra, who was getting a little bored and randy decided to play with the toys. The camera man forgot that his equipment was set to broadcast mode and a few tech nerds picked up the signal. They streamed it live and then posted the full hour long video on the network. During that hour not only did Tambra say how great these were but gave her preferences on how to use two at one time. All the while Scotti just lay there in and epic facepalm as she reacted to Tambra Exuberance about the toys.

It was clear Tambra loved them all and showed it. The real commercial never did happen as the video went viral and had over fourteen million hits in the first few hours. Needless to say that the entire line sold out in less time. To the point where there is a 30 day waiting list because production can’t keep up. They also got a new tagline from Tambra.

“If these were fusion powered I’d never leave the house, thank god for batteries!”

(This wasn’t meant to be a commercial but I really liked how this image turned out-lalverson)

Film Strip
