Artist Studio - erogenesis> Violence Level> 0 - None> Prize Shot From Code 10

Prize Shot From Code 10

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See more of this in Erogenesis' second comic [URL=""]CODE 10[/URL], and see Lali introduce herself in the basement of FIS and let her show you how 3D fantasy babes SHOULD be handling guns in [URL=""]Basic Weaponshandling for Fantasy Artists[/URL].


EDIT: For information about the her ass and pussy, read the following.

Lali is a heavily morphed V4. What you're looking at is a complex system of morphs and props that I've been calling the 'Lali System'. I developed it this year in the main character of my comics, Lali, hence the name. I was tired of having to post work every damn image I rendered and the leg bending of DAZ V4 is just atrocious.

I plan to release a first version, with genitalia prop and body morphs of the hips, for V4, sometime in December or January this year, about a month after the release of my third comic. It might be called 'Lali's Bits' or the 'Erogenesis System' or just Erogenetics v1. Not decided yet. You can see many more examples of the 'Lali System' in my gallery.

[URL=""]Check this[/URL], [URL=""]and this[/URL] for example. The comics are the best showcases, obviously :grin:

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