Artist Studio - lalverson> Ickiness Factor> 0 - Inoffensive> Coming Soon To The Store Widowmaker-the Family Business

Coming Soon To The Store Widowmaker-the Family Business

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In this continuation of the Widowmakers story we will meet new characters that will shape the fates of Captain Belk, Rain and Angel. War and disease changes everything and the balances of power are changing. Can a young Field Marshal find a way to end a deadly war? Can a dying race find a way to survive the changes it partly caused? Can monsters really be tamed? Should one trust just because they are family?

Also in this episode find out that even at the top there are secrets that can change a difficult mission into a near

impossible one and find out just how far one may have to go to prove that elusive thing called trust.

That and a great deal more await in in this issue.

Film Strip
