Gallery> Sexual Orientation> Lesbian> Let's dance 5

Let's dance 5

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Greta gave a sign to the head nurse and talked to the prisoner:
"good girl, you really look in a good shape today; this red light game was just to warm you up.
Now let's add some more elements to this game: other than avoiding the red light, you will have to touch each green light; if you fail in any of these 2 know what you"


Greta used her remote for 1 second just to mantain her psycological control on her guest.

"I'll warn you: you will have to use your hands, other than your legs, to cover all the single squares.
Tania...let's start"

Ella realized immediately that this wasn't easy as before.
When 2 green lights appeared on 2 squares separated by 2 empty ones, she had to spread her legs to touch both lights. Than another green light beside her left foot, which was covered by Ella's left hand.
The music became more soft now and the lights were totally controlled by Tania, now.
Ella's breathing started to raise.
With sadistic slowness Tania switched some red light far from Ella, just to keep her distracted.
When her left hand was above a red light, a green ligh appeared behind the red one.
The move became quite innatural for Ella, who had to stay in an innatural position for a while and with a limited vision of what was happening.

The nurses started to laugh: the show was very enjoyable.
Each time the lights changed Ella, due to her innatural position, wasn't too fast to move away frome the red and to reach the green light, so her uncontrolled groans became longer and louder.

Ella was totally concentrated on the weird game, to try to control her arousal.

artwork by Killy

Film Strip
