Artist Studio - lalverson> Sexual Orientation> Bisexual> Imperial service droids lot#26449-rc

Imperial service droids lot#26449-rc

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"Well Commander, here they are. They are all active and programmed as rec troops."

"They are all bald. Who would want to fuck them?"

"Well sir, there are a good deal of troops that don't even notice a hair style. But a style has ben set for the lot. By the time they reach their assignments they will all have a full head of hair."

"I see..Very well."

"You sound disappointed commander."

"I have been authorized to keep one from the lot, if I wanted. But if they are all going to have hair..'

"Oh.. I see commander, we can diasable hair growth easily, just select the one you like and I'll access her system and disable it."

"Ah..well then...this one."

"Very good commnder, stand by..accessing..programing complete. If you will accept the lot I can then assigned her to you."

"Done..I accept the lot then."

"Yes sir..accept complete #8654 is now yours, the rest go to packaging and shipping."


Film Strip
