Artist Studio - lalverson> Ickiness Factor> Tambra/Cinnimon and er..Main

Tambra/Cinnimon and er..Main

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From the start of the "Girls with.." shoots one girl was totally adamant about participating in it.

But this girl had a slight problem that caused most involved in the production a great deal on concern.

Namely, Tambra Keane being only legally able to distinguish light and dark might send the wrong message and the potential for an accident.

For a while at least the excuse of finding the right weapon for her shoot kept her ambition at bay but as popularity of the set not being very high and lalverson about to go back out on the road. lalverson decided not to continue the shoot.


"Mom..I know how the hold it."

"I know sweetie but the boss is worried about you handling a gun."

"I have in movies."

"No sweetie, those were heavy plastic, this one is real."


"Baby girl you have never liked guns. Even after I showed you when you were younger you didn't care for them."

"Yeah but the boss needs me. People like looking at me they think I'm sexy. It will help him."

"Sweetie he doesn't do shoots for the money really he does see many real girls out there on the road. So when he's home he works with us."

"So maybe we should do this as a mom-daughter kinda thing. Think he'll like that?"

"Prolly so honey.."

Film Strip
