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Lady Eve..Beauty secret (Main)

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"He may very well be your emperor, But he's my man. When I left Create a Dream I know a lot of people thought I was doing it to garner power and be the power behind the throne. I mean, I've been known as a total ambitious bitch so stepping down from one of the oldest and most profitable mega corporations, walking away from all that went with it, how could anyone not think it."


What I meant by that is simply what said. Darryl is my man. I could care less what he does for a living. Granted, he's the Emperor and even without that he's a baron and a music and transportation mogul so

he's got rent money if you know what I mean, but that isn't why I'm with him. It isn't why I won't ever leave his side"

"That's the easiest part. For far longer than I care to relate I have been empty. Emptier that one of the droids I used to build and design before they would be loaded. It's like for thousands of years I have walked this universe totally devoid of real life. My soul, was a barren waste before Darryl breathed life into me. No shit, Until his first touch I was just a lifeless hunk of meat. But since he came and saved me I

have found out what love was. I found it could be mine. If you ask me, that is worth far more than money. Let that pass me by, never again."

"Yeah, I guess it does sound like that. But I remember my uncle reading me fairy tales and each one ended and they all lived happily ever after. Now I know that is not logical or possible but this is as close to it as I think I dare dream to."

"Well that's one bit of tabloid that is true. I do that for him every chance I get. I mean it does let him relax and it does wonders for my skin. I mean I wouldn't call it a beauty secret and I know most women might think it's nasty. But considering all we women apply to our faces and bodies I would say it is the most natural thing that can be found. And to be totally open here. He's like a fire hose. There was an old male porn star and he came in what seemed like buckets. Darryl would give that guy a run for his money. Personally, I can't get enough."

Extract from Interview with Lady Eve Gebharbt, Imperial consort and common law wife of Emperor Darryl Tolk.

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