Artist Studio - Erogenesis> Ickiness Factor> 0 - Inoffensive> Lali Lite 2 progress

Lali Lite 2 progress

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hey guys, just a quick update. The new Lali Lite is looking AWESOME, I'm very happy with the results, the proof readers also seem happy with it (thank you once again guys!). I already edited it according to their critiques. I'm about 2/3rds of my way through rendering. Its just a matter of waiting for them to finish. I jacked up the quality of my renders so my PCs are taking a bit longer over the job. I'm now using DOF in all my pictures and the effects are lovely. I'm very curious what you guys will think of it. The new format is kindof an experiment, I hope it will be to your liking!

Unfortunately I was seriously delayed (surprise surprise) due to personal and political crises here at home and in the country I live in. Its not too serious but it did set me back a number of days.

So for those who already pre-ordered it, don't worry, its on its way and it will definitely not take very long anymore.

I'm really excited about releasing this one.

Film Strip
