Artist Studio - Erogenesis> Setting/Genre > Uncle Ero is busy!

Uncle Ero is busy!

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Hey guys, just a quick note to those interested. I might be repeating myself but I don't wanna leave you guys hanging... Like mentioned before, I've gotten utterly bored of waiting on renders and upgraded my processing power. I'm just waiting on the shipment now. The new machines will have better graphics cards on them too, which will make posing and such a more pleasurable experience (still annoyed how selecting a limb in Poser can be excruciating in a full scene!!). I'm also re-arranging stuff in my personal life, giving myself a bit more of a healthy sleeping pattern and proper food haha. Man I've been working nearly non-stop since 2012, with the odd holiday off course, but sometimes working for 48 hours straight. Madness!

In the meanwhile I'm going through the comic, cleaning up, adding some more renders to get it to flow nicely, giving myself extra work as usual... like I'm good at... I know for sure you won't be surprised why it took so long to render when you'll see the comic. Like I said before, you'll declare me insane :D I declared myself insane years ago. Its fun! But yeah, one might ask why I make so much of an effort when I could also just make picture series. Weeeell... erogenesis don't do that... and besides, that's been done to death :) Straight after 'Gentleman's Club' I made a private comic for myself and my girlfriend and realized after two weeks that I made my own ideal comic: this is how I would wanna see an erotic comic... this is what I would pay money for. A proper immersive erotic story, with very detailed action going. But this little comic was very small in format. This one for you is a LOT bigger!

...and unfortunately it does take time to render haha, on crappy African desktop office PCs...

You might also have noticed I've been posting less and less nude and sex. Well, ever since I introduced Christina, I realized what the power of curiosity can do. Xtina hasn't shown much of herself, except for the odd boobflash, but Xtina is probably more popular than Lali!!! So instead of coming with the prize first, I'm going to let you wait for it, and slowly undress them, for you :D Off course the pressure will be on me to make it worth the wait, but hey, I accept the challenge hihi.

anyway BLABLABLA... onwards

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