Daylight for Daz Studio
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The product contains 7 environments + light presets which simulate daylight in the different
parts of the day. The lights are divided into 3 groups, Sun, Ambient Occlusion, Bottom Lights.
Sun - this the main light source
Ambient Occlusion - this simulates the lights from the sky dome.
Bottom Lights - these simulate the light reflected from the ground.
The product includes 7 clear skies, with properly adjusted lights and render settings for 
scripted 3Delight engine. The environment and light presets are saved as a scene subset so they can 
be imported into any finished scene.

Product Requirements and Compatibility:
Daz Studio 4.8+
Will not work in Poser



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio ArchiveDaz Studio 4.8
Other Notes
(Does Not Work In Poser)

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Daylight for Daz Studio

SKU: 51779
By: RuDy Studio

Daylight for 3Delight engine


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