Leather Restraints
VunterSlaush_LeatherRestraints_API_1.jpg VunterSlaush_LeatherRestraints_API_2.jpg VunterSlaush_LeatherRestraints_API_3.jpg


Leather Restraints for G3M & G8M.
Including parts for neck, wrist, arm, thigh, shin and ankle.
The Shin parts are weighted objects, the rest are rigid wearable objects .

Each part with more than 6 different materials.



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio ArchiveDaz Studio 4.9
PoserNot Supported

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 3Genesis 3 Males
 Genesis 8Genesis 8 Male

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Leather Restraints

SKU: 58457
By: Vunter Slaush

Leather Restraints for G3M & G8M. Iray only



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