Secret Style 07
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Product Name: Secret Style 07
Copyright July, 2020
By: Rumen Delchev & Diana Dimitrova aka RuDy Studio
The product contains Bra for G8F. 
The prop are weighted to the G8F skeleton.
There are 24 carefully crafted material presets.
SS07 Bra_Back_01
SS07 Bra_Back_02
SS07 Bra_Back_03
SS07 Bra_Back_Side
SS07 Bra_Front_01
SS07 Bra_Front_02

Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.10
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 8Genesis 8 Female

Required Products

Required 3rd Party Products
Genesis 8 Female (

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Secret Style 07

SKU: 62824
By: RuDy Studio

Open bra for G8F


30% off until 10/2/2024

Views: 6051
Available in the following bundles:
Secret Style Bundle 4567
Bundled price: $4.18
Save 25%

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