Ball Parachute
1.jpg 2.jpg


A ball parachute for G8M genitalia,and "Dicktator Genitalia 0.3 ","Futalicious Genitalia v3.2"
Select G8M genitalia,"Dicktator Genitalia 0.3 " or "Futalicious Genitalia v3.2" and choose 
wearable presets to load ball parachute and morphs for each genital part.
"BallParachuteAdj" morphs for genitalia part are under "Parameters - Riggings".
3 accessories saved as wearable presets for "BallParachute" (Not for genital parts), including
3 balls, 1 ball, and a bucket.
Select "BallParachute" and click wearable presets under ACCS folder to load them.
Adjust the surface type by using 2 extra material prests for the bucket.
Morphs for the bucket are under "Parameters - Riggings" , to make it empty or full.



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio ArchiveDaz Studio 4.9
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 8.1Genesis 8.1 Female
  Genesis 8.1 Male
 Genesis 8Genesis 8 Female
  Genesis 8 Male

Required Products

Dicktator For Genesis 8 Male
10% off
Futalicious For Genesis 8 Female
10% off

Required 3rd Party Products
Dicktator For Genesis 8 Male (
Futalicious For Genesis 8 Female (
Genesis 8 Male/Female (

Related Products

PRings Extra
Gen Morphs

Ball Parachute

SKU: 64984
By: Vunter Slaush

A ball parachute for G8M genitalia,and "Dicktator Genitalia 0.3 ","Futalicious Genitalia v3.2"


Views: 11720

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