Torn Textures For Sexy Bikini 6 G8F & G8.1F
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Torn Textures is a companion set of textures for the very realistic 
Sexy Bikini 6 for G8F & G81F by EdArt3D.
Contains 72 Full material presets (36 for the Top and 36 for the Bottom)

Daz Studio Only Product (created in Daz Studio Pro
For practical reasons, the files have been placed directly in the same directory 
as the original product.


Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.15
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested
Other Notes
(Created in Daz Studio Pro

Required Products

Sexy Bikini 6 For G8 And G8.1 Females
30% off

Required 3rd Party Products
Genesis 8 female (
Genesis 8.1 female (

Torn Textures For Sexy Bikini 6 G8F & G8.1F

SKU: 65323
By: CherryBlossom3D

Torn Textures is a companion set of textures for the very realistic Sexy Bikini 6 for G8F & G81F by EdArt3D. Contains 72 Full material presets (36 for the Top and 36 for the Bottom)


35% off until 9/10/2024

Views: 2864

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