The Empress Chronicles Bundle 8


CaptainTrips presents: An Empress Lost - Book 24 of the Empress Chronicles
In this issue:
Acantha and Lydia are captured by forest ogres and then sold to the Deadwalkers.
Octavia continues with taking over Lydia’s tasks.
Octavia and Nova enjoy a romp together.
Harian sends Marius up north to address concerns of two norther towns. In his absence,
Petronious temporarily takes over 1st chair of the consul. He threatens to halt the harbor
project unless Octavia submits to his desires.
More intrigue and lots of sex fill the 217 pages of ‘An Empress Lost’
What’s included:
Pages: 217  sigle/double panel
Image quality: High Quality
Format: PDF
File Size:  approx  111 mb
CaptainTrips presents: An Empress Found - Book 25 of the Empress Chronicles
In this issue:
The dead walkers continue to feed off of Acantha and Lydia. Each feeding leaves them weaker and weaker. Will the Vernian search party reach them before it’s too late?
While Marius is up north addressing concerns of northern towns, Octavia continues her sexual adventures as she continues to handle Lydia’s affairs.
More intrigue and lots of sex fill the 222  pages of ‘An Empress Found’
What’s included:
Pages: 222  sigle/double panel
Image quality: High Quality
Format: PDF
File Size:  approx  128 mb



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The Empress Chronicles Bundle 8

SKU: 62516
By: captaintrips

Thie bundle contains: An Empress Lost An Empress Found


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Views: 2310
Products in this bundle:
An Empress Lost
Normal price: $10.00
Bundled price: $7.00
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An Empress Found
Normal price: $10.00
Bundled price: $7.00
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