Crom131 Reptilians 2.0 Alien Morph Kit


 Reptilian Aliens and have been commonly associated with government conspiracies, government control and manipulation of our home planet. The reason many people associate these Reptilians with such actions is because of their inherit nature to be evil.. In order to better understand how and why the Grey Aliens exist, we must first look at the Reptilian race of aliens.The Reptilians began from an early age to perfect the different biological technologies that were possible in the 3rd dimension.

As they evolved through time, their physical bodies began to change and began to exist in different planes of existence. Because this happened their form of nutrition became what we call  negative energy" (In contrast, Gray Aliens feed off negative emotional ). Because the population began to grow in numbers beyond their capabilities to maintain their current population size, they decided to create an "evil race" of aliens that would be able to produce negative emotional energy for their ingestion. Much like the cloning that we are trying to accomplish here on Earth the Reptilian Aliens began to create a race of alien Half Breeds for their personal gain and used the Oldest Bloodlines of the Human race. Essentially, they were creating as a slave race of aliens to ensure the progression of their own Reptilian race However, much like the Grays, the Reptilian Aliens did not expect to have a full race of Gray aliens to completely revolt and turn against their creators.

The Grey Aliens became powerful enough to wage wars against the oppressive reign of a Reptilian government and make their way into the outer reaches of the galaxy.The Grey Aliens soon made their way to the only planet that was not powerful enough to repel their armies. Because the Grey aliens do not have a home and also consume negative energy, like their creators, they began a mission to use Earth's humans to feed off (negative emotional). Soon, the first Grey Aliens that arrived here on Earth sent for their entire race and star ships; however, when they arrived in the outer limits of the solar system they were met with the Reptilians Planet size Starship. Only a select few made it through the lines and were able to strike deals with Earthly governments to conduct experiments in order to some day create a slave race of humans.

To this day the Reptilians seek to use their tech to change mankind into the perfect negative emotional energy vehicle so that they can feed off them and dwell within mankind's Molecular vibrational Frequency till the time that the great dimensional plane shift of the multiverse occurs and their great purge Begins.

Within This Package: You will have the ability to leave the Reptilian 2.0 at normal M4 or V4 size which is known as Average size and the known height of a Reptoid Reptilian or you can choose the superior larger Reptilian Draconi I have added two custom body morphs for the M4 version in the body parameters tab on two different channels so you can scale body buff-ness as you see fit.I made one Average that gives him that ripped a lean look it can be applied to the large scale Reptilian Draconi as well both Inject right into body . and you can rescale buff-ness from 1.0000 to 0.0000 to make your own unique body type. You will as well get a large Height scale size morph that makes your M4 or V4 the size that a large Draconi Reptilian master god would be. since Reptilians have been for some time "A" Sexual I added V4 female reptilian alien injections to package so now you will be able to have the best of both worlds, V4 Reptilian injects female classic wide hipped big breasted female for V4,one Reptilian 2.0 head & body inject,one V4 Reptilian 2.0 head & body inject, One Default pose that can be used on both M4 and V4 so when scaling Up your Reptilian you can have him or her on the floor without messing with you translation dial, two M4 Gen Fixs one for Average size, one for Draconi enforcer master god size, One Gen Mat, two Body Mats Reptilian base and Outfit , Three sets of Eye Customization eyes with base that are smart propped to head,one for V4 one for M4,one set of M4 Jaw Horns,one set of V4 Jaw Horns one Face fix for M4 & V4 inject for internal face that works as well to fix any pose static that commonly happens with some body poses from third party poses. one talon inject, one canine inject. Files included in the Product: Crom131 Reptilian 2.0 Alien morph Kit.

Files List: \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilians 2.0 Face Fix.png Face Fix.pz2 Rep average Body INJ.png Rep average Body INJ.pz2 Rep average REM.png Rep average REM.pz2 Rep Canines INJ.png Rep Canines INJ.pz2 Rep Canines REM.png Rep Canines REM.pz2 Rep Default pose.png Rep Default pose.pz2 Rep Enforcer Body INJ.png Rep Enforcer Body INJ.pz2 Rep Enforcer REM.png Rep Enforcer REM.pz2 Rep Scale size.png Rep Scale size.pz2 Rep Talons INJ.png Rep Talons INJ.pz2 Rep Talons REM.png Rep Talons REM.pz2 Reptilian Body Mat.png Reptilian Body Mat.pz2 Reptilian Head INJ.png Reptilian Head INJ.pz2 Reptilian Head REM.png Reptilian Head REM.pz2 Reptilian Outfit.png Reptilian Outfit.pz2 Reptilian Tail MAT.png Reptilian Tail MAT.pz2 Reptilian Tail Pose.png Reptilian Tail Pose.pz2 V4 Face Fix.png V4 Face Fix.pz2 V4 Rep Body INJ.png V4 Rep Body INJ.pz2 V4 Rep Body REM.png V4 Rep Body REM.pz2 V4 Rep Head INJ.png V4 Rep Head INJ.pz2 V4 Rep Head REM.png V4 Rep Head REM.pz2 V4 Reptilian Body Mat.png V4 Reptilian Body Mat.pz2 Rep Eyes : Folder Rep Gens : Folder \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilians 2.0\Rep Eyes Eyes Gold .png Eyes Gold .pz2 Eyes Red.png Eyes Red.pz2 Gold Pupil.png Gold Pupil.pz2 Red Pupil.png Red Pupil.pz2 Slit Pupil.png Slit Pupil.pz2 Eye Base: Folder Glossy Eyes: Folder Glow Eyes: Folder \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilians 2.0\Rep Eyes\Eye Base Default EYE BASE.png Default EYE BASE.pz2 Eye Base Gold.png Eye Base Gold.pz2 Eye base Red.png Eye base Red.pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilians 2.0\Rep Eyes\Glossy Eyes Gloss Black.png Gloss Black.pz2 Rep Glossy Eyes.png Rep Glossy Eyes.pz2 Rep Gold Eyes.png Rep Gold Eyes.pz2 Rep Red Eyes.png Rep Red Eyes.pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilians 2.0\Rep Eyes\Glow Eyes Glow Eyes Gold.png Glow Eyes Gold.pz2 Glow Eyes Red.png Glow Eyes Red.pz2 Glow Eyes White.png Glow Eyes White.pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilians 2.0\Rep Gens Gen Fix Average.png Gen Fix Average.pz2 Gen Fix Enforcer.png Gen Fix Enforcer.pz2 Gen Scale size.png Gen Scale size.pz2 Reptilian Mat Gen.png Reptilian Mat Gen.pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Pose\Crom131_Reptilian_2.0\Reptilian 2.0 Eye Mats Reptilian2.0Eyes NR Black.png Reptilian2.0Eyes NR Black.pz2 Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective Black .png Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective Black .pz2 Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective Green .png Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective Green .pz2 Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective Red .png Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective Red .pz2 Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective White .png Reptilian2.0Eyes reflective White .pz2 \Runtime\Libraries\Props\Crom131_Reptilian Reptilian Eyes Base.png Reptilian Eyes Base.pp2 Reptilian Jaw Horns.png Reptilian Jaw Horns.pp2 V4 Eyes Base.png V4 Eyes Base.pp2 V4 Reptilian Jaw Horns.png V4 Reptilian Jaw Horns.pp2 \Runtime\Geometries\Crom131_Rep Jaw Horns.mtl Jaw Horns.obj Reptilian Eye Base.mtl Reptilian Eye Base.obj \Runtime\Textures\Crom131_Gray 2.0 ExtraContent Brushed Metal.jpg Cromx.jpg Flat Blue.jpg Flat W.jpg eyes_Bump F.jpg F_EyesT.jpg Fog Overlay.png Frater_EyesTrans.jpg Inner eye.jpg PlateCrom bmp.jpg PlateCrom1.jpg PlateCrom2.jpg Reflcrom.jpg M4 Its-Flesh BB.jpg M4 Its-Flesh.jpg Reflcrom.jpg Rep_ face.jpg Rep_ Skin tail.jpg Rep_Body.jpg REP_Gen Tran.jpg REP_GensTex.jpg REP_Limbs.jpg scifi_nocolor.jpg template _eyes rep.jpg template _eyes.png Important compatibility statement: . Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012 This product is meant to be used with M4 & V4 Base Figure. all morphs were made in Z-Brush 4 and corrected in C4D

Important compatibility statement: M4 Morphs+++ Not Required V4 Morphs+++ Not Required Poser 4 and Up and has been tested in Poser 2012 ***Important**** certain extreme facial expressions will need tweaking in upper jaw and lower jaw X and Z translation so the Figure teeth do not pop through the bottom lip or upper lip. but I added a face fix and it works well. *This product is meant to be used with M4 and V4 base figure.

Application Compatibility

PoserPoser 4

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGeneration 4Michael 4
  Victoria 4

Crom131 Reptilians 2.0 Alien Morph Kit

SKU: SKU30082
By: Crom131

Reptilians have become one of the most captivating alien race in our galaxy. This race of Reptilian Alien beings originate from the Draco constellation and now find themselves throughout the entire galaxy. Reptilians are also known as Lizard People, Reptoids, and Draconi.



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