Kinky Littles I For Genesis 3 Females
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1 conforming  wearable clothing item for Genesis 3 Female
 Materials for Iray only !

7 Colors that use a grey Map and 1 that use a Color Map ( Stars )

Options for the cloth :
1 Reset Preset.
Use it always before you try another preset
Pantie and Socks

3 different Bump Pattern Maps that you can add to your color.
2 Presets for the Normal Map that is in the Top Coat Layer.
Folds will render stronger.
You can set this higher and save  your own presets too.

1 Normal Map
3 Bump Map
1 Color Map
1 Base Color
1 Template

Materials may need adjustment !!

Supported shapes:

        Girl 7

Most shapes will work just fine out of the box.


Other shapes will use Autofit .
You may need to export the objectfile and smooth the back.



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio ArchiveDaz Studio 4.8
PoserNot Supported
Other Notes
(DAZ Studio 4.9 because of the Iray Shader)

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 3Genesis 3 Female

Required Products

Required 3rd Party Products
Genesis 3 Female (

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Kinky Littles I For Genesis 3 Females

SKU: 54003
By: RedLightZZ

Redlightzz' exclusive new clothing line for the Genesis 3 Females.


50% off until 9/20/2024


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