Davo's World of Pichard "Set 1" Core Pack
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Georges Pichard is a famous French artist who dealt in some very graphical fantasy artwork.  The items in these sets
are a tribute to his great style of artwork and ideas.  Collect all the sets for your ever growing library of Davo products.
Computer Compatibility:

- Modeled around V4.  Elements of this package will work with other figures with some adjustments.
- PC or Mac compatible
- Poser 5+  rigged and tested
- .obj, .jpg, .png, .cr2, .pp2, .hd2, .fc2, .pz2 file formats
- Latest version of DazStudio has not been tested with this set.
- Stand alone product, does not require other product purchases.

Figure Features:
- Null Base:  This is a small, non-rendering wire frame displayed diamond.  You can use it to parent several items to so they can all be moved at once, or independantly of each other.  Good for making combination assemblies with multiple figures.
- Ball And Chain: This is an easypose chain with a large iron ball on the end. Ball has size morph.  Parent first link of chain to your characters body or cuffs.  Easypose control nodes are displayed in wireframe mode in Poser, but will render fully.
-Bells 1 and 2: These are posable bells that can be attached to chains or body parts. Clapper and rings are posable.
- Brazier 1: This is a hot coal brazier that sits on the floor.  Coals glow in a dimly lit scene.
- Brazier 2: This is a wall or post mounted brazier.  Position and parent it to another figure.
- Chain Long: This is a long chain that can be used for supporting other figures and objects. It has easypose bending technology.  The major bending control nodes are displayed in wireframe mode in Poser.
- Courtyard: This is a circular courtyard for hosting your tormenting scenes.  All walls can be moved out of view for better camera angles.  The gate can retract into the ground.  There is a shadow and non-shadow casting version available depending on your lighting skills.
- Crotch mounts 1 - 3: These are cruel wall or device mounted crotch saddles to menace your characters private areas. Mount 1 has an option for either a serrated blade or spikes to fit in your characters crotch. Mounts 1 and 2 have an adjustable ring to attach a chain to.
- Cuff System 1: This is a morph adjustable bar with 1 posable rings to bind arms or legs into.  A generic pose file for V4 and the bar is available. Parent to Chest after posing.
- Cuff System 2: This is a behind the back arm binder.  It is semi adjustable.  Generic pose file for V4 and the cuff is available.  Parent to Chest after posing.
- Cuff System 3: This is a hand (or foot) cuff with posable rings and cuff segments. Generic Pose for cuff and V4 provided.   Parent to Chest after posing.
- Cuff System 4: This is a cuff that fits tightly into V4's Abdomen.  There is a smart prop magnet in the props folder that works with this cuff.  The cuff can open and close as well as having adjustable ring mounts.  There is also a smart prop version of this cuff with no moving parts in the props library.
- Cuffmount Single: This is a single mounting bar with adjustment rings. The bar has a length morph.  This can be used to secure your characters directly or with chains.
- Cuffmount Multi: This is a set of 4 cuffmounts.  The bars have length morph adjustments.  There is a non-rendering sphere in the middle of the cuffs, this is to move all the cuffs around at once for easy positioning.
- Device 01: This is a multi purpose restraint apparatus.  There are mounting rings on the table and sides of the frame. The table and it's associated parts can be moved out of view or turned off.  Multiple Pose files for the device and V4 are provided.
- Device 02: This is a multi purpose restraint apparatus.  There are adjustment morphs on the posts and beams.  The ground plane can be moved out of view.  The impaling screws have adjustable washers to hold limbs in place.  Pose files for the device and V4 are provided.
- Head Cage 1: This is a confining head cage. It has adjustment morphs for scaling.
- Hook Small: this is an adjustable hook for securing things to. It can hold chains or be impaled into your character or used with nipple rings. Be creative.
- Locks 1-3: These are old locks with posable lock bars. They can be used with anything requiring a lock.  Pichard also liked to use locks like these impaled into a characters pubic mound.
- Mini Chains 1-3: These are small chains to be used on your characters body, or to bind 1 characters together with nipple, tongue and piecing rings.  Each chain has easypose bending technology.  Major easypose control nodes are displayed in wireframe mode in Poser.
- Misc Stand 1: This is an adjustable stand that can be used to attach things to.  Scale morphs are built in.
- Neck Stock 1: This is a posable neck stock with posable latches and securing rings.  Pose file for the stock and V4 are provided.
- Penetrators 1-2: These cruel devices are used to torment and humiliate your characters.  Pose files are provided for the penetrators and V4. Smart prop dildos are available for Penetrator 2 in the props library.
- Platform: This is a large plaform to elevate your action. Good for public viewing scenes.
- Spreader Bars 1-2: These bars have a width adjustment morph.  Good for spreading and hanging your characters from.  The ring in the middle of the bars is what moves the bars around.
- Stools 1-3: These are simple stools with height adjustment morphs. Pose files for the stools, V4 and any other associated figures are provided in the pose library.
- Wall Mount 1: This is an adjustable wall mounted deviced to hang things from.
- Wall Mount 2: This is a morph adjustable wall mounting device with winch block.  Winch block also comes as a stand alone figure.
- Winch Block: This is a morph size adjustable block for suspending rope or chains.
- Wincher 1: This is a floor, wall or post mounted winching device. It has a rope or chain configuration option. Hande has length adjustment morph.  Good for hoisting up your characters and used in conjunction with the Winch Block figure and Wall Mount 2 figure. Pose file available where used.

Smart Props:

Smart Prop Basic Iron Cuffs:
There are smart prop arm, leg, neck and special "Link for Chest" and "Link for Hip" connector links. These smart prop cuffs are textured to match other elements in this package.

Set 1 folder:

-Body Ring: simple ring prop that can be used as a tongue ring, nipple ring, pubic mound ring
- Brand A thru Brand W: These are smart prop letters that attach to the Branding Iron.
- Branding Iron: This is a branding iron base with length morph, the branding letters will smart prop into the tip. (Hand pose files are provided for M4 and V4).
- Collars 1 thru 3: These collars should be positioned and parented to the neck of your character.  There are morphs on collar 3 to position the spike.
- Dildos 1 thru 3: These brutal dildos can be stuck into any orifice of your character and parented to it.  Dildo 1,2 and 3 for Penet 2 or for Stand 1 and stand 2 are smart prop dildos and will snap onto the dildo stand props or snap onto the tip of the Penetrator 2 figure.
- Dildo Stand 1: This is a short, floor mounted stand to place the dildos on and stick under a stool or squated character.  There are smart prop dildos 1-3 for this stand.
- Dildo Stand 2: This is a wall or post/beam mounted stand to place the dildos on and stick to a wall or post/beam.  There are smart prop dildos 1-3 for this stand.
- Gag 1: This gag is a "holder" for items that are stuck into your characters mouth. (Use "Mouth Open" expression file which is provided)
- Gag 2: This is a wood block with morphing ring. There are also some rope adjustment morphs. (Use "Mouth Open" expression file which is provided)
- Gag 3: This is a metal ball to plug up your characters mouth, or other orifice. (Use "Mouth Open" expression file which is provided)
- Plugs 1 thru 4: These are brutal orifice plugs for the mouth, vagina or anus, use how you want to.
- Spikes 1 thru 3: These spikes are for piercing body parts.  They have length morphs.  Spike 3 has a washer position and rotate morph.

Subfolders "For M4" and "For V4":

These subfolders have some of the above mentioned props converted to smart props for either M4 or V4.  The M4 folder has smart prop branding iron for M4.

Hand pose files are provided in the Hands library for the Branding Iron


Pose library:

Pose files are provided for V4 and matching poses for some of the devices, cuffs and equipment.

Many of Georges Pirchards images depecit subjects in extreme and certainly unreasonable pose positions.  This package emulates some of those poses and in some cases, the body limbs may be posed beyond what you would consider reasonable.  In some cases, the side-side bending on some body parts may exceed a few degrees.  This is intentional and part of the package.  I've made many morph adjustments to some of the equipment should you want to adjust your poses.

Detailed readme file is included.



Application Compatibility

Daz Studio(Lates version of Daz has not been tested. Doesn’t specify versions)
PoserPoser 5

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGeneration 4Victoria 4

Davo's World of Pichard "Set 1" Core Pack

SKU: 41277
By: Davo

World of Pichard Set 1 Core Pack features props and settings inspired by famous French artist Georges Pichard. The first set comprises a rich set core items that will be useful by themselves and complimentary of many to follow.


Available in the following bundles:
World of Pichard Bundle
Bundled price: $17.99
Save 10%

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