Davo's "Cannibal Kitchen"


- PC and Mac compatible
- Poser 5+ rigged and tested
- Not tested in DazStudio but should work with minor texture and location adjustments - Some pre-parented items may not translate well into Daz Studio
- .Obj, .cr2, .pz2, pp2, .fc2, .png, .jpg formatted files - Does not require any other purchases

Figures Features:

- Auto Spitter (for M4 and V4): An adjustable height device to ram a spit pole through a character.  This is used in conjuction with the Auto Spitter Station (for M4 and V4).  There is a spit pole pre-parented to the housing of the spitter.
- Auto Spitter Station (for M4 and V4):  This is the classic Jessica device made famous by Dolcette.  This station holds your character in a position primed to receive the spitting pole from the Auto Spitter.  There are pose files for M4 and V4 and matching poses for the station. 
- Cart 1: Simple push cart with adjustable middle shelf and a height adjustable fluid plane.  The fluid plane has a thin, bloody texture applied to it.  Pose files for pushing the cart are supplied for M4 and V4.
- Display Case:  Need somewhere to display your freshly cut or cooked meat?  The Display Case fits the bill.  It's got 3 posable rear doors, adjustable shelves and plenty of room for a full character.
- Freezer:  This is a medium sized storage freezer with posable door , posable air circulation fans and posable hangers on the ceiling to hand your fresh meat.  All walls, ceiling and door can be moved out of view for good renders.
- Grinder Bucket:  Simple yellow bucket with wheels to use with the Grinder.
- Grinder Bucket - Meat:  Grindier bucket with a pile of ground meat parented to it.
- Grinder Meat:  A simple loaf of freshly ground... uh... beef.
- Grinder:  This is an industrial sized grinder with 3 posable grinder and shredder blades, posable handle, removable meat strings and removable chute.  Excellent for grinding up large items.
 - Hanger 1:  This is a posable hanger with 4 meat hooks.  Each hook has size and length adjustment morphs.  There are pose files for m4 and v4, some requiring the supplied smart prop stump caps plus a pose file to hide the hanger base and connection ring should you decide to use this hanger with other items.
 - Hanger 2:  This is a posable and morph adjustable hanger frame with 4 meath hooks.  Pose files are included for M4 and V4.
 - Hanger 3: This is a simple pole with drip pan at the bottom.  You can hanger 1 on this post or use the supplied arm and leg cuffs for M4 and V4.  The drip pan has a height adjustable fluid plane with thin, bloody water texture.
 - Hanger Base:  This is a connection piece that you can use in conjunction with the OverHead Rail system.  You can hang M4 and V4 from this hanger in conjunction with the arm and leg cuff smart props.  Pose file is included to position M4 and V4 to the Hanger Base.
 - Kitchen (Shadow and No-Shadow version):  This is a simple kitchen floor plan with posable walls, doors and ceiling lamps.  The lamps can be repositioned anywhere.  The non-shadow casting version allows light to pass through all the elements.  This is good for users who are not familiar or skilled with lighting and shadowing.
- Kitchen Xtra Wall: This is a large wall section that you can toss into the kitchen to break the floor plan into separate areas.
- Kitchen Doors:  This is and exta door figure if you want to add more entrances into the kitchen.
 - Kitchen Hood: This is an overhead exhaust hood to pull steam out of the kitchen.  It has adjustable exhaust sprayers.
- Lifter:  This is a power/hydrualic lifter to carry around your characters.
- Oven 1:  This is a large rotisserie style oven with posable doors and posable mounting brackets.  Pose files to position the spit poles is provided.
- Oven 2: This is a long baking oven.  The sides and top can be hidden to show what's inside.  The door and shelf is posable.  Pose files for M4, V4 and Pan 1 (long) is included.
- Oven 3:  This is a oversized compact oven with posable door, racks and rack holders.   Pose files for M4, V4 and Pan 2 (short) is included.
- Oven 4:  This is a low profile oven with 2 stovetop burners on them.  Pose files for M4, V4 and Pot 1 are included.
- OverHead Rails:  This is an overhead rail/trolly system to give the kitchen an assembly line look and feel.   There are right and left hand segments of rail in long, short and curved sections. 
- OverHead Slot Wall:  This is a narrow wall that you can guide the OverHead rails into so it looks like the characters are coming out of a narrow corridor, then cut, then exit the room.  You can stack these end to end for longer slots.
- Pan 1,2 and 4: These are platter pans useful for cooking and displaying your characters.  There is a height adjustable fluid level in each pan with a thin bloody/watery texture.  Pose files for the pans and M4/V4 provided.  Pan 4 has a full blood texture, not thinned out.
- Pan 3: This is a display platter with vertical spit pole that your character is impaled upon.  Pose files for M4 and V4 included.
 - Pot 1: Simple pot with depth morph and adjustable fluid level.  Pose files included to fit M4 and V4 inside.
- Saw 1: This is a large circular saw on a vertical rail.  There is a morph to adjust the blade size.  This would be good to use in conjunction with the OverHead Rails. 
- Saw 1 Xtra:  This is saw 1, but without the housing to hold it.  This allows you to place it on some other rail system if you have one.
 - Saw 2: This is a chain saw type saw on a vertical rail mount.  There are handle bars if you want to have a person controlling it. 
- Saw 2 Xtra:  This is saw 2, but without the vertical mount.  This allows you to place it on some other rail system if you have one.
 - Saw 3:  This is a creative horizontal circular saw with guide rails that catches and guides your upside down suspended character.
 - Scale:  A nice scale to weigh the goods.  The holding plate has a width and depth morph, the dial arm can spin.
- Snipper:  This is a head snipper, it has grabber arms that can hold the neck, then the blade slides out to snip.  The base is posable so it can be angle adjustable or used in robotic style.
- Spit 1:  A classic human bar-b-que spit dolcette style.  Thise one has electric heating elements and motorized rotisserie pully.  There is also a crank handle for that hand crank action.
- Spit 2:  This is a large spit sized to accomodate up to 3 characters.  The hot coals beneath have ambient glow materials and bumpy displacement map.
- Spit Pole and Spikes (M4 and V4 version)  This is a spit pole with an add-on figure that puts holding spikes through your character so they won't spin on the pole. 
- Spit Pole Spikes:  This is a stand alone figure with a base control node (to move around all the spikes at once) and 5 spike connectors, spikes and spike gaskets.  Each spike has a length morph.
- Spit Pole: Stand alone spit pole, have fun.
- Table 1:  Simple table to lay our characters out on.  There is a drain hole and fluid catch basin at one end of the table.  Pose files included for M4 and V4.

There is an M4 and V4 smart props folder. 
Each contain:

- Binder Cuffs - Arms:  This is a binder to hold your characters arms behind their back.
- Binder Cuffs - Legs: This is a binder cuff to hold your characters ankles together.  It also has a suspension hook attached to it.
- Binding Straps:  This is a couple of straps to hold your character in a kneeling position with arms behind back.
 - Buzz Saw:  This is a small chain saw smart prop, fits into the right hand.
- Hook: This is a meat hook, fits in the right hand.  Hand pose file is provided.
- Knife 1 - 3:  These are various shaped knives that fit in the right hand.  Hand pose files are provided.
- (4) stump caps with rings are provided.  There is a pose file in the Stump Caps pose library.
- Pose files for M4 and V4 and all equipment needing posing.
- Detailed Readme File



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioNot Tested
PoserPoser 5
Other Notes
Daz Studio(May work with texture adjustments)

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGeneration 4Michael 4
  Victoria 4

Davo's "Cannibal Kitchen"

SKU: SKU30535
By: Davo

The much anticipated follow-up to Davo's Hell's Kitchen is now available.  Cannibal Kitchen (Hell's Kitchen 2) is jamb-packed with almost everything you need for y



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