Legacy Dendras Restraint Chair for Daz Studio


The Restraint Chair is a versatile medieval themed restraint chair that can be used in many scenes. The chair has adjustable restraints and independently scalable elements. The Restraint Chair is compatible with any of your favorite characters. Materials presets for Iray and 3Delight are included.

INCLUDED IN THIS SET:  1 Restraint Chair Figure, Iray and 3Delight material presets.

System Requirements:
- PC compatible 
- Not tested on Mac
- Requires Daz Studio 4.11+
- All files in .obj, .ds, .png .jpg and .duf format.
- Materials and textures for Iray and 3Delight



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.10
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested

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Legacy Dendras Restraint Chair for Daz Studio

SKU: 62473
By: FreeoneCGbytes

The Restraint Chair is a versatile medieval themed restraint chair that can be used in many scenes. The chair has adjustable restraints and independently scalable elements.


Views: 6934

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