Glamour Pin Of Heels 01
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Product Name: Glamour Pin of Heels 01
Copyright March, 2021
By: Rumen Delchev & Diana Dimitrova aka RuDy Studio
Package includes:
1. GPOH 01 - shoes With height of heel 100. Weighted to G8F skeleton.
2. Foot pose - G8F, G8.1F
2. Startup Pose - G8F, G8.1F
2. Standing Pose - G8F, G8.1F
6. 3 ALL Color material presets for GPOH 01.
GPOH 01_L_Toes_Corr.dsf
GPOH 01_R_Toes_Corr.dsf
1. Select G8F in to scene.
2. Load Foot pose or Startup pose
3. Load shoes on G8F.
4. Select shoes on Scene Explorer and load desired materials.
5. G8F is ready to pose with shoes
NOTE: If other poses are used, must load FOOT! Pose. This sets the feets in  right position.



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.10
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested
Other Notes
(Daz Studio 4.15+ for G8.1F)

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 8.1Genesis 8.1 Female
 Genesis 8Genesis 8 Female

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Glamour Pin Of Heels 01

SKU: 63766
By: RuDy Studio

Heels for G8F and G8.1F


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