Cock Cage 2


A chastity cage with a penis saved as wearable presets for G8M/G8F.
13 materials for the cage and 4 materials for penis part.
Morphs for the cage and penis are under "Parameter - Rigging".
The penis part can be hidden using material presets in the folder "MatHide".
The cage and penis as wearable preset under the "Pelvis" bone of the figure.
Some figures may need some tweaking in position to make it look better.
The penis part is not geo-grafted to the figure.
The ring part of the cage is used to hide the line between the figure and the penis part.



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.15
 Daz Studio 4.20
PoserNot Supported
 Not Tested

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGenesis 8.1Genesis 8.1 Female
  Genesis 8.1 Male
 Genesis 8Genesis 8 Female
  Genesis 8 Male

Required Products

Required 3rd Party Products
Genesis 8 Male/Female (

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Cock Cage 2

SKU: 66135
By: Vunter Slaush

A chastity cage with a penis, saved as wearable presets for G8M/G8F.


Views: 9287

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