Blood, Bones, and Bacchanalia
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19 BC. The sunbaked hills of Northwestern Spain. The legion engages rebellious tribes. After the defeat of the wily tribesmen, the legion takes their women, and has their way with them in an unmatched bacchanalia filled with debauchery, revelry, and sin. Sex, wine, smoke, and fellatio. Gladiatrix fights. Live target practice. Execution via pila. Crucifixion. It's just another day in the Roman antiquity.

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Blood, Bones, and Bacchanalia

SKU: 70855
By: TheNextLevel

19 BC. A bloody campaign has been won. An unmatched bacchanalia filled with sex, wine, smoke, fellatio, gladiatrix fights, live target practice, execution via pila, crucifixion. It's just another day in the Roman antiquity.


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