Beach Volleyball Set
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The Beach Volleyball Set is a set of nine props replicating an outdoor beach
volleyball field complete with sand playing area, net, volleyball, bounds markers,
referee stand, bleachers, barriers and sports chair.
The modular design allows to use only the set elements that make sense for your 
scene and the Bleachers prop features a seperate railing that can be used or
removed if desired.
Complete and functional, the Beach Volleyball Set is easy to use and will perform well 
for any of your outdoor (or even indoor) beach volleyball renders!
The Beach Volleyball Set comes with the following props in PP2 format:
!Bounds Marker
Referee Stand
Sports Chair
Everything comes as Poser Ready props that can be loaded from the category menu
or for even easier use - just load the included PZ3 file which has all of 
the props loaded with a default lighting scheme.
The Beach Volleyball Set also comes with all the texture templates to allow you to 
give the set elements a custom look of your own design.
You will need Poser 5 (or higher) or Daz Studio to use these props.



Application Compatibility

Daz StudioDaz Studio 4.21
PoserPoser 12

Beach Volleyball Set

SKU: 68218
By: Richabri

A set of 9 props (PP2) replicating an outdoor beach volleyball field complete with sand playing area, net, volleyball, bounds markers, referee stand, bleachers, barriers and sports chair.


Views: 3837

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