Elves At Play


The Sacred Mountain is home to elfish ruins, a place of tranquility and reflection. The futa-elves have been traveling here for decades; a pilgrimage that can only be made in the nude with ritual oils applied to the skin. It is here where they meditate and reconnect with their heritage.

Olin has already made her way to the summit, unknowingly, with her friend Cara tagging along. Ever the trickster, Cara startles Olin with a friendly wrestling match. With a naturally competitive spirit, Olin agrees and their oiled bodies are soon twisting and writhing across each other in the grass.

But, soon, the sensation of Olin's body pressed against hers, hardens Cara's massive cock. Surprised and intrigued, they continue their wrestling match until both dicks are pressing for an opening. Victory comes, but in what form? Either way, their ancestors will be pleased.
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Elves At Play

SKU: 62947
By: Dr-X

A friendly wrestling match atop the Sacred Mountain quickly gets hot and heavy between futa-elves Cara and Olin.


Views: 1233

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