Gallery> Crom131 Presents Gray 2.0 Alien Morph Kit" Product" In Store Now"

Crom131 Presents Gray 2.0 Alien Morph Kit" Product" In Store Now"

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Crom131 Presents Gray 2.0 Alien Morph Kit
"In store Now"
more images can be seen at my Crom131's Product's Update and Previews Info Thread

Within This Package: You will have the ability to leave the gray 2.0 at normal M4 size which is known as Overlord size and the known height of a tall grays or the
superior larger gray bUt you can add a custom body morph I made that gives him that ripped a lean look it can be applied to small scale Gray Drone Clone as well.
You will as well get a scale size morph that makes your M4 the size that a Drone Clone small Gray Drone worker would be. since Grays have been for some time "A" Sexual
I have sucessfully added a M4 female alien injection to package so now you will be able to have the best of both worlds, M4 Fem body injects female classic wide
hiped big breasted female form to M4, and I added to the Inject script in the Chest paramaters a Gray 2.0 Breast Size Dial in a separate channel under the main Fem Body dial
inject,one Gray 2.0 Head inject, One Default pose so when scaleing down your gray you can have him on the floor without messing with you traslation dial, one Gen Fix for M4
Gens,two Gen Mats,
two Body Mats Gray base and Blue Black , five Eye mats for custom eyes that are smartproped to head,one large eyes for large gray one small sized smartprop eyes for small gray,
one Face fix inject for internal face that works as well to fix any pose static that commonly happens with some body poses from third party poses.
one talon inject, one canine inject ,Two second Skin Body outfits Overlord and Drone,smartprop bracer one for right forarm one for left,one smartproped mind link collar.

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