Panty Dropper for V4 Basicwear
Flat1_8x8.jpg Flat2_8x8.jpg PD1_8x8.jpg PD3A_8x8.jpg MAINPGPD8x8.jpg MAINPGPD2x2.jpg


Are those Panties too tight on V4? Need to take them off... slowly? Sure you do.
Panty Dropper is just what you need!

Includes 3 Poses for V4 to match included morphs for V4's Basicwear Panties (located in Figure> Daz's V4 Clothing> Panties)

2 "Flat Morphs" for when the Panties Drop to the floor!
1 Morph for each pose (3), Plus 1 extra!

Requires V4 Basicwear (panties), Poser 6 or later.
"1" and "2" included are simple instruction notes inside the pose folder.

This is a PMD Injection and pose set

Bring v4 to the stage. Use the poses "PD1, PD2, or PD3" on V4.
Bring "Panties" (located at Figure> Daz's V4 Clothing> Panties) to the stage.


Use the morph with the same name as the pose you used.
IF you would like to move v4s location, simply either parent or constrict Panties to V4.

PLEASE NOTE: IF you get any kind of small poke through due to adjusting shapes on v4 you can simply use the "Cloth Thickness" morph, which is it's purpose.

Application Compatibility

Daz StudioNot Tested
PoserPoser 6

Figure Compatibility

Daz FiguresGeneration 4Victoria 4

Product Requirements

Other Notes
(V4 Basicwear)

Required Products

Panty Dropper for V4 Basicwear

Panty Dropper for V4 Basicwear

SKU: 43497
By: Darkseal

Are those Panties too tight on V4? Need to take them off... slowly? Sure you do.



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